Bilingual 4 ESO History Part 3.

CHARLES IV (1788-1808).


By 1795, Godoy had collected an impressive number of titles and honours:
“…the most Excellent Lord Don Manuel de Godoy y Alvarez de Faria, Rios, Sanchez Zarzosa, Prince of the Peace, Duke of Alcudia, Lord of Soto de Roma and of the State of Albala; Grandee of Spain of the first class; perpetual Regidor of the City of Santiago, Knight of the Illustrious Order of the Golden Fleece, and Great Cross of the Royal and distinguished Spanish Order of Charles III; Commander of Valencia del Ventoso, Rivera, and Aceuchal in that of Santiago; Knight and Grand Cross of the religious Order of St. John; Counsellor of State; First Secretary of State and Despacho; Secretary to the Queen; Superintendent General of the Posts and Highways; Protector of the Royal Academy of the Noble Arts, and of the Royal Societies of Natural History, Botany, Chemistry, and Astronomy; Gentleman of the King’s Chamber in employment; Captain-General of his Armies; Inspector and Major of the Royal Corps of Body Guards, etc, etc, etc…”
“Three centuries later, the [Second] Treaty of Fontainebleau, concluded on October 27, 1807, by which the favorite of Carlos IV and the minion of his Queen, Don Manuel Godoy, the Prince of [the] Peace, contracted with Bonaparte for the partition of Portugal and the entrance of the French armies into Spain, caused a popular insurrection at Madrid against Godoy, the abdication of Carlos IV, the assumption of the throne by Ferdinand VII, his son, the entrance of the French army into Spain, and the following war of independence. Thus the Spanish war of independence commenced with a popular insurrection against the camarilla, then personified in Don Manuel Godoy…”
Karl Marx, “Revolutionary Spain,” New York Daily Tribune, 1854




Historian Stanley Payne says:He proved in many ways the basest king in Spanish history. Cowardly, selfish, grasping, suspicious, and vengeful, [he] seemed almost incapable of any perception of the commonwealth. He thought only in terms of his power and security and was unmoved by the enormous sacrifices of Spanish people to retain their independence and preserve his throne.


General Zumalacarregui
Viva la Religión, Viva Carlos V
Abrazo de Vergara (Maroto y Espartero
Carlos María Isidro and Isabel II

ISABELLA II (1833-1868).

AMADEUS SAVOY: 1871-1873.

I REPUBLIC: (February 11 1873- December 29 1874).

February 12 to 11 June
June 11 to 18 July
July 18 to September 7
September 7 to January 3
January 3 to December 30, 1874


Alfonso XII-Retrato

ALFONSO XIII: 1886-1931.

circa 1910: Alfonso XIII (1886 – 1941), king of Spain from 1886 to 1931, wearing ceremonial uniform and carrying a plumed hat. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

II REPUBLIC (1931-36).

CIVIL WAR: 1936-39.